Colour In Your Meditation
This book was requested by my Colour Therapy students in order to put together all the Meditations they have enjoyed over their three year Course.
Each of the Chakras have their own Meditation and the reader is encouraged to colour in each Chakra drawing and the drawings by myself and my son Mark illustrating what we saw when meditating on each of these Chakras.
Keeping track of your own needs by drawing what you see when meditating on the Chakra that is connected with any problems either personal or physical that you have can help you to decide on the Colours you need at the moment.
These can be introduced into your life in the form of Meditation, Crystals, food, Aura Soma oils, colours that you wear etc.
This book also includes information on the New Chakras that are now being seen and are here to help us to develop different attitudes in order to work with the energies of the Aquarian Age.
There are also Meditations to fill your Chakras with Colour, to give you protection, to help with headaches and to create your own personal Mandala, showing you your true inner self.
The White Light Pyramid Meditation will keep you safe in your own Pyramid of Light so that negative energies cannot affect you.
The Gold and Silver Meditation will show you how to give Healing energies to yourself and for those you love.
Colour in Your Meditation by Shirley Darby $25.00 plus $5.00 p+h
Handwriting For Healers
This book is unique amongst books on handwriting, as it connects handwriting with the chakras of the body and the hand itself.
The author Shirley Darby studied handwriting at the Phillip St School of Handwriting, run by Mr John Adam.
Shirley has used her accumulated knowledge of this subject in coordination with her astrology and colour therapy work.
Understanding slope, size
and placement of handwriting can give clues to problems in the body and
chakras involved with these placements.
This can help the healer to use the appropriate healing colours for the client.
Explanation to the client
of the meaning of their handwriting and suggestions for changing some
of the indications of problems can also add to healing the client.
This book is used for Shirley’s classes and workshops, as it covers all the basics of handwriting.
Once the basics are
understood it is easier to read the handwriting of family, friends and
loved ones, as well as giving a prospective employer clues to an
applicant’s ability.
Handwriting For Healers by Shirley Darby $25.00 au + $5.00 p&h
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