
Saturday, 30 March 2013


I am not a Catholic, or a Church of England or a Baptist.  I was told I was a Prespiterian, but I could not write that down as I could never figure out how to spell it.   My religious training was one visit to a Sunday School meeting.   I saw my friends going to Sunday School and thought I might like to try it.  I asked my mum and she said "go ahead, if you like it you can go, if not don't go".   So I tried it and was not impressed and that was the end of my religious training.  
Growing up I did not like all the rules and dogma I saw at Churches, but when a friend of mine finally got me to a Spiritualist Church and I saw their principles, specially Personal Responsibility I felt I had come home.   This was helped by the fact that Marcia, who had been on the platform that night healed my stiff neck and in the next six weeks healed a rash on my legs that had been there for 20 years.   The doctors said it was incurable.   I thought " there really must be something in this Spiritual stuff" and I still think that twenty years later.
Easter now seems to be all about holidays and chocolate eggs.   But really Jesus is the reason for the season.   I have been writing lots of articles about the New Era we are living in now since the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012.   What has been reported about Jesus was that he was trying to get over the same message as we are getting again now  Love and acceptance.   Because he was the person who was at the beginning of the Piscean Age (the age of Sacrifice)  Jesus brought this message to us through sacrifice.   Now, we are entering into the Aquarian Age (the age of acceptance) this message is being brought to us by many beautiful people and many situations.  
It is time now to follow Jesus's message of Love and acceptance in a new way.  Not by sacrificing our own personality for ideas that have been handed down from the Piscean Age but to use the knowledge and progress that mankind has made over the years to look at life in a different way, appreciating the wonderful body that we have been given and the wonderful country we live in.  We need to stop criticising and judging and start to really look at others.   Just because other people and other countries have different ideas to us does not mean that they are wrong.    Acceptance brings tolerance and those two things could stop many disagreements and heartaches and wars.
I would like to add to this something about my Mum.   She was a kind lady, who thought that kindness was the very best characteristic anyone could have.   She never raised her voice and always supported me and my sister and brothers to do the things that we loved to do.  She was rather concerned about my interest in Spiritualism but accepted that this was who I was.   I think that she was carrying out the teachings of Jesus although she never went to Church but was loved by all who knew her.

Thursday, 28 March 2013


Hundreds of years ago the Chinese knew that the Moon had North and South Nodes.   They called them the Dragon's Head and the Dragon's Tail.   Here in the West we have only started using this information in recent years.
The Nodes are created  by the Moon cutting across the path of the Sun.   Going upward is the North Node and going downward is the South Node.
Since learning about the Nodes I have found that I never start working on an Astrological Birth Chart without spending time examining the affect that the North and South Node have in the life of the person whose chart I am doing.
The South Node indicates things that the client wants to change in this lifetime.  Attitudes and behavior patterns from past lives that they want to overcome or improve.  Once a client has mastered these changes they can begin to use again strengths that had not been used to their full advantage in past lives.
The North Node indicates the attitudes and behavior that the client is working towards.   This is always exactly the opposite of past life patterns so it is usually hard to do.
If planets are close to the North Node,(in the same sign) such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars or Venus this indicates that the person is getting very close to developing the qualities they want this lifetime as they have these qualities already in their life.
If planets are close to the South Node, (in the same sign) it us usually harder for a person to overcome past life attitudes as they still have similar behavior patterns.
Once the North and South Nodes have been examined it is time to look at the person's Chart to find planets and signs in the different houses that can help the client to be the best person they can be in this lifetime.   That is always the aim of each lifetime, to improve on past lives and to develop the characteristics of love, tolerance and acceptance towards others.    This can usually be done by experiencing many situations and gaining knowledge and understanding from your experiences.   Most things in life are learned the hard way. But when we look back on these hard experiences we find that they have taught us things that we needed to know.
During our lives the Planets move through different constellations giving us the opportunity to work with the new energies that are beaming down on us.   In our Astrological charts there are always planets and signs that can show us the way to our best development and as these planets move into different signs we can use this energy to develop ourselves to the best person we can be this lifetime.  
These  developments are happening to everyone whether they understand or are interested in Astrology.  When we look back through our lives we can see how patterns and situations have changed and developed for us.  
It is not what happens to us in life, it is how we handle the situation that gives us joy or sadness.     

Monday, 4 March 2013


I will be on the platform of the Newcastle Spiritualist Church, cnr. Swan and Queen Sts. off Darby             on Sunday 15th February 2014 at 3 pm.  Topic Healing. plus readings.

I am holding a Workshop on Auras, Chakras and Crystals on Saturday 28th February at the Newcastle Spiritualist Church, from 10am to 5pm.  Cost $60.00.
Workshop will cover, Measuring your Aura, How to enlarge your Aura, Chakra Colours for Healing,       The NEW Chakras.   Balancing the Aura with Crystal Pendulum (bring your own if you have one).       Balancing the Aura with Kinesiology.  Mending and polishing the Aura with Aura Soma.

If you wish to attend please put your name and phone number on the list at the Spiritualist Church or contact Shirley on (02) 40238406 to let me know if you are coming so that I can have sufficient notes for each person.


I intend to hold a 12 week Colour Course next year 2015 commencing in March.  This course will cover all aspects of Colour, Colour Psychology, Interior Decorating Colours, Clothing Colours, Chakra Colours, Healing with Colours and Crystals and lights. Chakra Balancing with Colour and Crystals.
Limited placements.   If you wish to come please contact Shirley so that I can hold a place for you.
Cost $25. per week.   Probably Monday, 10.30 to 12. 30.

I am available for a short 12 week Astrology Course if enough people contact me about it.

I am also available for Astrology Charts.  I will need your name, full birth name, date of Birth, time of Birth      (if not known I can 'douse' it for you) and place of Birth, also where you live now in order to make you a progressed Chart showing where your Planets are now.
I can send your Chart  to you or you can visit me at Mayfield West (near Newcastle) to have the Chart interpreted.  It takes from one hour to one and a half hours usually. (sometimes longer)   This can be put on a  Cassette tape or a USB stick for you.  Or you can tape it yourself on your mobile or tablet.
The chart Astrology/Numerology costs $100.00       If posted $110.00
You can contact me by phone (02)40238406   or